CIAMS graduate students hosting an artifacts washing activity for Juneteenth
Samantha Sanft
Linking archaeology and material studies through multidisciplinary collaboration

Archaeology Program

Cornell is one of the few universities in the United States that offers a separate archaeology major in addition to its graduate program. The program also offers a new post doc in archaeology. Our faculty's specialties range from studies of early peoples to the historic 19th century, within the following departments and programs: American Indian studies, anthropology, classics, earth and atmospheric sciences, historic preservation, history of art and visual studies, landscape architecture, and Near Eastern studies. Archaeology at Cornell is particularly strong in the eastern Mediterranean area, and in the Americas (both pre- and post-Columbian)

Archaeology News

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Archaeology Events

Feb 11
Tuesday 05:00 PM
Feb 13
Thursday 04:00 PM

ARCO Interest Meeting

Stimson Hall 309
Feb 21
Friday 12:15 AM
Feb 28
Friday 12:15 PM

RadioCIAMS: The Cornell Archaeology Podcast

RadioCIAMS is our podcast series, wherein we probe critical debates in archaeology in conversation between leading practitioners and the next generation of researchers. Our most recent episode is embedded below. Click here to browse previous RadioCIAMS episodes archived on our website, or visit our soundcloud page to hear more. RadioCIAMS is also available wherever you get your podcasts.
